In addition, you can switch to the 'assigned to me' tickets, requests from a specific company, a specific customer etc. Different queues let you switch between 'all', 'in progress' and 'unanswered' tickets. For example, assign multiple tickets to agents, merge, close, delete tickets or even post a reply to multiple tickets at once. You can easily sort and filter the requests, review the current statistics and even perform 'bulk' operations without leaving the page. The main screen of the help desk software features a powerful grid showing all the information on your current tickets. Jitbit is an affordable, fast, lightweight and good-looking Ticketing System for your customer support team. Requests come in via email, live chat, text-messages, phone calls - all go into the same storage, where help desk agents can add their responses and keep track of tickets. and stores them in one central database for later management. IT ticketing system is a software app, that converts all incoming tech support requests into tickets.